Meet Wendy Riley

Focusing on heart-warming, value-building children’s music singer/songwriter Wendy Riley and her husband Ron travel the country sharing their personalized children’s music along with seemingly lost classics such as How Much is that Doggie in the Window, Oh Soldier Soldier and many more. These products, typically only available at special events, now regularly attract people from all around at every event they attend.
Follow Wendy on YouTube.
But now, these valuable and entertaining products are also exclusively available here at!

“I absolutely love what I do. Sharing my personalized music along with these classics allows me to share some of the important values on which many from my generation grew up.”

Watch your child’s face light up each time they listen to their very own personalized songs. Your child will learn and sing these songs again and again embedding humorous yet valuable lessons in their heads in a very entertaining way.

Wendy’s personalized songs for children are recorded with your child’s name guaranteed to get and keep their attention. Highly recommended for newborns to 9 year-old kids these songs will last for years. And, for your convenience, these personalized songs for children are available for immediate download in mp3 format as well as on tape or CD.

With each personalized children song your child will not only learn to sing their personalized songs but they will soon learn to read the lyrics as they follow along in their songbook! Also, because you can easily print as many copies as you need, you don’t have to worry about them drawing on the pages. These kids’ songs are awesome in every way!

Fill your child’s mind and heart with these light-hearted entertaining personalized songs that will grab and hold their attention for hours on end… all while teaching strong values. Soon you will hear your child singing these classics along with Wendy’s magical songs and be proud of the messages they bring.

Whether a cassette tape, CD or an MP3 download works best for you, select the option of your choice and order these special songs for your special child today!

Thank you for visiting!
Wendy and Ron Riley

*Wendy is an active member of ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers) as well as the NSAI (Nashville Songwriter’s Association International). She lives with her husband Ron both in Lenoir, North Carolina, and the Tampa Bay area in Florida.