is committed to protecting the privacy of every visitor to our web site. We fully support the Fair Information Practice Principles and want to be clear and straight forward about our privacy policy. We believe the following spells out clearly our privacy policy and information practices:
1. What information may be collected? How could it be used?
We may request and collect certain basic information from you on our web site. For example, when you purchase from us we request your name, mailing address, e-mail address & phone number, along with other related information. Unless you choose to provide information to us, we will not obtain personally-identifying information about you when you visit our site. We do collect general information for web site performance assessment purposes such as the number of visitors to the different sections, the web address from where they linked to our site, the domain name, the date, time and the duration of their visit to help make our site the best it can be.
As a courtesy to our customers, because of the seasonal nature of our products, we do send reminders to past customers and site visitors who choose to receive them as deadlines approach just so that no one is forgotten by mistake. To no longer receive these reminders simply opt-out of the list using the link at the bottom of the email you receive.
2. Will any of the collected information be disclosed to others?
Any of the basic information you choose to provide to us and that we collect from you is confidential and protected by us. We do not sell, trade or rent your information to others.
3. How is the collected information protected?
We consider the information confidential and proprietary and treat it with the same care and confidentiality as we would with our own individual personal information. We use one of the largest & most reputable credit card processors in the industry to encrypt your credit card information using SSL technology so that your credit card information is always safe and protected.
4. Who can be contacted on privacy?
If you ever have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy please don’t hesitate to contact us.